• ISO55001 Asset Management
    System (AMS)
  • ISO9001 Quality Management
    Systems (QMS)
  • ISO14001 Environmental Management
    Systems (EMS)
  • ISO50001 Energy Management
    Systems (EnMS)
  • ISO45001 Health & Safety Management
    Systems (OHASMS)
  • ISO27001 Information security
    management systems (ISMS)

ISO50001:2018 Certification

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ISOcomply - ISO 50001: Software 


The use of QR codes, RFID and asset management software have been a great help to organisations looking to meet their ISO50001 requirements. Through the implementation of these technologies, organisations have been able to monitor their energy consumption and leakage in real time, allowing them to take proactive actions to reduce wastage and lower energy costs. QR codes are used to record, monitor, and measure the status of equipment used in the maintenance process.

They can be placed either physically or digitally, and their tag data can be read by barcode and radio frequency scanners to provide quick access to information such as product histories, warranty details, and essential performance data. This data can be used to quickly identify inefficiencies in the system and suggest changes that can be made to reduce energy consumption. In addition, asset management software is used to track the usage of energy-intensive equipment over its life cycles in order to improve efficiency. This software also allows organisations to create their own energy policies and set up alerts for exceeding energy limits, meaning they can take proactive steps to reduce usage and save money before they go over their allocated budget. Moreover, RFID tags are used to deter energy leaks, such as open doors or windows that cause increased air conditioning usage or leaking taps which waste water.

These tags can be read quickly, allowing maintenance teams to quickly address the issue and reduce wastage. Not only does the use of QR codes, RFID and asset management software enable organisations to better comply to their ISO50001 requirements but it also enables them to measure and report their CO2 emissions in order to comply with ESOS and other sustainability initiatives. By tracking the energy used throughout a building’s life cycle, organisations can identify areas to reduce emissions and work towards a more sustainable future. Overall, the use of QR codes, RFID and asset management software are key for organisations looking to comply with ISO50001 in terms of monitoring their energy consumption and reducing leaks, tracking energy use and measuring their CO2 emissions. With these technologies, organisations are able to take proactive steps to saving energy, lower their costs and work towards a more sustainable future.

How Can NDC Help?

NDC's' team of specialists understand the certification process and its requirements. We can work alongside you to prepare for certification / assessment and can support you to maintain compliance for re-certification.

Gap Analysis

We’ll conduct a gap analysis of your existing top level policies, documentation and processes to identify your existing strengths, omissions or areas of weakness. We’ll provide this information in a detailed report with recommendations.

Internal Audits

Once you have had time to implement the recommendations, we will conduct a full internal audit against the standard’s requirements. We will provide you with a detailed report and work with you to address any aspects of your operations that need to be developed prior to your third party audit. We can also train your team to conduct internal audits with our two day internal auditor training course

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